Copyright (c) 2014 Riley Marengo
The Kingdom of Ishitara
Once a thriving empire, it's extravagant lifestyles lead to an economic failure less than a century ago. The elaborate city of Ishira serving as it's capital and several beautiful forests, rivers, valleys and hillsides as its kingdom, the land is accepted as the most cultured and well protected in the entire continent of Wamsivl.
King Reynold Falker of Ishira nobles is valued as the most respectible and humanitarian of all of his predecessors, and as a man who values the lives of all creatures, it is no wonder in his rule, he allowed the liberation of the Psionic race from thier 100 year servitude. Many speculate he is as gracious as he is because he is a coward and fears revolt, others think of him as insecure and fearing the loss of his peoples faith, but in the 8 years of his reign as sovereign, he has both instilled faith in his own people as he has an alliance with the Psionics. He brought the economy up from the ground, and secured it from seige and invasion which had previously rattled his kingdom from the savage and diseased Ald'wom, or renegade Amalgian radicals.
The Capital, Ishira, is structured as thus:
1) Ishitaran Outskirts -> 2) The Outer Wall / The "Slaughter Gaps" -> 3) The Outer Market-> 4) large opening -> 5) The Aqueduct Moat-> 6) The Pivot Bridges-> 7) The Outer Barracks-> 8) The Inner City-> 9) The Castle.
1) The outskirts of Ishitara contains the outer market and mixed race camps. It is not a segragated area, but rather it contains camps of refugees and outcasts from all races and all countries on the continent. The camps are well organized and ordered in widespread tents. Each row and column is even and has the same amount of tent structures, regardless of some being vacant. It is more expensive to be closer towards the wall as the protection from invasion is greater, but also access to the market is easier to achieve.
The kingdom of Ishitara, as ordered by King Reynold Falkner, pays a tribute fee to all the outer most tent owners each month to ensure their faith as they are most suseptable to an invasion. This decision was ruled more favorable by the people than hiring additional soldiers or scouts to guard, regardless of the increase of pillagers.
This is patrolled by scouts, not soldiers. Scouts are trained to be fast and agile so as to avoid arrows and alert the city of invaders.
2) The outer wall is tall and bulky stone buildings placed in tight quarters. About every 50 feet at the base is a narrow pathway which leads to individual market squares in the inner city. The roof of each building connect at a steep slant and the top part of the roof is made of a flimsy metal which a grappling hook could not secure itself on.
There is one large gate, which leads a wide road to a central market place, but it is the most protected path. It is lined with siege weapons like hot-oil dumps 3 stories up, and many arrow slots in the wall. There is also wooden spikes lining it's sides which can be rotated on a pivot at their base to face the entry way.
3) The outer market is a place where trade and traffic is always prevalent. There are few crimes as there is a soldier for every stall and a stall for every opening, every 50 feet. Each stall is about 30 feet in radius and rests against the wall, directly in the middle of each path (10 feet in on both sides). Some merchants don't use all this space for their goods, so they divide the stalls in two between a trusted partner.
Only merchants and soldiers live on the outer most walls, allowing for easy clean-up and easy access to invasion. Soldiers who guard the merchants are usually the best equipped, but King Falker made a law to rotate the Soldiers living quarters from inner to outer city each month so as to (A) avoid favoritism, and (B) to ensure that if an invasion force was to take the outer wall, they would not have access to the best armors and weapons, which reduced both crime and weakness.
4) The large opening is both so that claustrophobic visitors could be relieved from the tight quarters of the entrance and so that they could witness in awe the entire cityscape as a tourist attraction. It is as long as the entire city, as the outer houses encompass everything inland until the beach, which is blocked by caverns on both ends, and harbors and lighthouses further extruding the entire shallows of the water. The beach is protected by massive trebuchets and harpoon guns, as well as every sailor-soldier is well trained for combat, and the Soldier training academy is located near the beach.
The opening is about 100 feet wide, and leads into the bridges and the Aqueduct moat.
5) The Aqueduct moat is about 50 feet deep and about 75 feet wide. It is used to both add additional seige defense from outer terrotories as well as transport huge amounts of ocean and river water through the insides of the city. Once a year, there is an annual race down the river in rowboats to bring more money to the kingdom. The Aqueduct does not provide drinking water, it is solely to provide water to the plants in the inner workings of the city.
As a result of it being partially river water, there are several species of fish within it. Fishing is allowed, but only at the citizens own risk. It has been known before to be sabatogued further upstream by the savage Ald'wom- a human tribe who has been exposed to some unknown genetic sickness which causes massive retardation and aggression.
6) The bridges over the moat work on pivot technology. When the city is under seige, or host thier yearly games, they are withdrawn and rotated counter-clockwise onto the innercities side of the moat, where they form a perfect wall. Any who swim across and who aren't met with a heavy current and swept under, are met with a solid wall of heavy wood.
The pivot was once controlled by waterwheels and mechanics, but the Ishitaran's found Tele-k's to be more effective, and despite the fact that the Liberation Treaty was signed with the kingdom of Vius, which releived all those of psychic descent or potential from the requiremtn to work for the Ishitaran Government or Military, some Tele-k Psionics have pledged thier loyalties to Ishitara, and have not left thier duties to its kingdom.
7) Just over the bridges are barrack houses and armories. This is for the conveinience of the kingdom, and though Soldiers are spread throughout the city as it is, the archers man this particular section. The archers once manned the outer wall before the camps were settled outside, and King Falker saw that as the archer's were distanced from thier kills, they tending to be more merciless and uncaring of thier shots.He pulled them backwards to gain support of the tribes in the outer kingdom, but as every archer see's substantially less action, this action cost the king thiers. In an attempt to rally them again, once a year he holds an archery competition and a hunter competition amungst thier ranks. Training for this usually keeps them occupied. Those who don't are usually transferred to scout duties in the outer most of the camps- the most dangerous duty and the most respected.
8) The innercity is probably the most intricate part of the city. For every row of houses in the city is a tiny aquedcut- about 10 feet wide which breaks off from the moat and feeds ground based plants along its edge. The buildings are multicultred to say the least. Despite the fact that they are all roughly the same build, two stories and connected by small bridges and sky walks for about the entire half mile inwards, each house hangs it's own banner of its family decendency and had a wooden pillar with its family history engraved into it displayed proudly. Some houses have utilized the crystals which fall from the sky or that have been shipped from Crystilline Valley as additional decor- hanging chimes, or sculptures, decorated pot plants, or pathway decoration.
The streets on each side of the small moat are about 10 feet wide and allow for about 5 feet of decoration for each house. The inner city is extremely expensive to live in, but there are many ways that rent can be reduced, such as volunteering for city clean-up (which is monitored by it's own system, and ranges from street work to inner building cleaning), volunteering for gathering parties, or submitting to either the Ishitatran Millitary Academy or the Ishitaran Sailing Academy. Gathering parties scout the forests for food or plant life and pick them, and are always large groups as to scare off predator animals. These parties are often guarded by Military Trainees rather then soldiers, and Scouts.
9) The Castle has been built as the most sturdy structure in the city. It has halls in the entrance that are supported by huge columns and can hold civilians in a seige or a natural disaster, which happens often, whether it be from earth or sky. In a case of a flood, the floors have drain holes which lead into the dried up river bed, created by the dirivative of the aqueduct moat. The castle has few actual rooms. The kings chamber is the room farthest from the front, which leads into the royal bathing room, the royal library, the throne room, and the dining hall.
The royal kitchen and pantry are located both outside and underground in a seperate building, and are vast. There is rooms for all 4 of his advisors, 3 children's rooms, 3 guest rooms, and a meeting room outside of the throne room and adjacent to the library. There is indoor plumbing in the bath chamber, but the bath is an inset swimming pool type structure which is heated by flames and smoke from the kitchen furnace below it, and vented by pipes above. Constant water coming in from several privatized aqueducts direct from the ocean (through several rudimentary filtration systems) keeps the waters from boiling over, and the drains all lead to the flood gates beneath the palace and into the river bed.